Dusum Khenpa statueDusum Khenpa statue

Düsum Khempa

$ 1,520.00

The First Gyalwa Karmapa, Düsum Khempa, was born at Treschöd, East Tibet. He was named Gephel (dge-‘phel meaning “promoting goodness”). As a young boy, Gephel studied with his fater and when he became older engaged in more studies and meditation practices with other Buddhist scholars of the region. Düsum Khempa moved to Central Tibetan when he was 20 and became a monk. A few of his teachers were Chapa Chökyi Sengge and Patsab Lotsawa Nyima Dragpa (the great Madhyamaka philosopher, translator, and founder of the debate system in Tibet), furthermore Yönten Drag, Sherab Dorje, Mal Dulzin, Sönam Rinchen, and Changchub Drag are also listed as his teachers. At that time, Düsum Khyenpa became known by the name Päl Chökyi Dragpa (dpäl-chös-kyi-grags-pa meaning “the illustrious friend of the Dharma”). When he was 30 years old, he went to Daglha Gampo Monastery in Kham, East Tibet, and took up his studies and practice under his root Guru Gampopa.

1 in stock

SKU: JHW-AG-14 Categories: ,

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9 inch


Copper Alloy with 24 Karat Gold Decoration, Lost Wax Method


3 Kg


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